2/11/13 Media Leads the Way

I realized 2 things today: 1. Media leads the way for the people. Seeing high quality videos about God (hillsong zion+ MC Jin MV) gives me courage to not be ashamed of Christ. It’s really a morale booster. 2. After talking with a friend and finding out how much money she makes, I realize I am falling in love with money, and I’m afraid of not having it when I start this. Lastly, I thought of the first passage related to what I am doing. Jonathan leading the first wave into battle. Overall this past month, I’ve really been questing when to start my career as a media missionary. Part of me says, stop wasting time and start now! The other part says, wait on the Lord, He will let you know without a doubt when the time has come. That has been my prayer, that God would without a doubt let me know when to begin. Because something this big, there must be some fasting, visions, and dreams involved.


11/26/12 Rebranding Christianity