A whirlwind of a week

A whirlwind of a week

1.5M+ views on facebook, 200K+ views on youtube. 5 Interviews. Played on National TV, strangers typing up translations to over 6 languages, testimonies, emails, comments, 1000 subscribers, shared by faithit, backtojerusalem, gospel coalition. All of a sudden, Mighty, the part-time dream became a full-time reality. What a whirlwind of a week. 

“Life is not found in making much of yourself.”

“Do not do anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility considers others better than yourself.” Phil 2:3-4

This has been a week where it’s all about me. Facebook likes on my posts. Emails from strangers asking me what I’m about, Interviews about my story and my video, Kakao messages blowing up about which website was the next to post the video or updates on the number of views. Prayer meetings held for me. All about me. What my selfish heart always wanted. And in the midst of this, I’ve forgotten about the needs of others. I’ve forgotten to take an interest in the lives of people around me. Any email that wasn’t complementing me or Mighty became overlooked. I have no time was my excuse.

There is no joy in making much of myself. This IS a time to celebrate but there is NEVER a time to think you’re above serving others. In John 13, while at the Passover feast, Jesus washes His disciples feet. It was the day when Jesus would be crucified. Everyone should’ve been serving Him. They should’ve been attending to his every need and desire. Even inmates on deathrow get served whatever meal they want before they are executed. And yet, Christ’s desire was to teach us how to serve one another. Wrapping a towel around His waist, He got on His knees and began to wash the dust off their feet. “A student is not above his teacher.” Mighty will serve the nations. And I will serve in small and unseen ways. OTHER above SELF.

Waves in Manhattan

Waves in Manhattan

One In love Conference

One In love Conference